Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cornell Notes 1

TITLE: Animal Farm Online Discussion
AUTHOR: Jamgochian

Main Idea #1: The power of Team Work

Summary: All throughout the book Readers find the animals working together to get things done. Orwell wants readers to know how important it is for people to be able to work together.

Quote: “The moral of the story is to stick together, and work together as a team.” (Genna Snider)

Main Idea #2: Power corrupts those who don’t know how to use it.

Summary: Throughout the book Napoleon shows signs that does not know how to handle having power. Signs like having to manipulate the other animals or simply not treating them as equals.

Quote: “George Orwell also wants to convey that if the person who misuses the power given to him cannot stay in power long.” (Ji Seon)

Main Idea #3: It is impossible for everyone to equal

Summary: Throughout the book it is very clear that humans (nor animals) can live happily if they are all equal. People become greedy and Find themselves needing more than they have. They love having more than their neighbor.

Quote: “I think George Orwell’s message to us all is that its impossible to have a total equal, fair system.” (Maahika Srinivasan)

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source gives two great morals that Orwell tried to project into the minds of the readers. The second moral, however, i disagree with.

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