Tuesday, May 20, 2008

English Final Bibliography

Works Cited 

Brunsdale, Mitzi. "Metaphors." Angelfire. 16 May 2008 .  

On this web page many interesting metaphors in animal farm are revealed. The author makes many ties from animal farm too the Russian revolution. 

Jamgochian. "Animal Farm Online Discussion." Edublogs. 2 Feb. 2007. 16 May 2008 .  

This is source is not exactly a website. It is a blog posted the teacher of a class that also read animal farm. The information I am using lies with the responses left by the students. 

Lamont, George J. "Animal Farm - Comparison of Characters to the Russian Revolution." Barney.Gonzaga. 16 Mar. 2008 .  

This is a very unique source. It makes Direct comparisons from the characters in animal farm too the key people/social classes in the russian revolution. 

Serafin, Steven. "Animal Farm." Encarta.Msn.Com. Hunter College. 15 May 2008 .  

The author of this article is very familiar with the symbolism in this book. He describes certain events in the book, and tells how they are tied to real life. 


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