Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cornell Notes 2

TITLE: Metaphors
AUTHOR: Mitzi Brunsdale

Main Idea #1: The alcohol in the book represents a corrupt Russian government

Summary: George Orwell links alcohol to “old Russia” which was based on corrupt government. Alcohol lead to the downfall of Mr. Jones and Napoleon.

Quote: “Orwell uses beer to represent the "Old" Russia. He first notes that the reason Jones lost control of the farm and began being cruel to the animals was because of alcohol. It symbolizes, more than anything, a corrupt government…” (Mitzi Brunsdale)

Main Idea #2: Animalism represents Communism

Summary: Animalism and communism are very much alike. They both revolve around the idea that all humans (Animals) are equal and should receive the same.

Main Idea #3: The Farmhouse represents the Kremlin.

Summary: The Farmhouse is where the animals created the idea of Animalism. The Kremlin is where Russian leaders adopted the idea of communism and forced it upon the people (animals).

Quote: “…the genuine concept of socialism, the farmhouse, where Napoleon and the pigs take over, symbolizes the Kremlin.” (Mitzi Brunsdale)

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source reveals many events/objects in the book that symbolize events/objects that were present in the Russian Revolution. These symbolisms will be my second topic for discussion in my paper.

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