Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5 day weekend

My five day weekend was very uneventful. Though some what relaxing it was still very boring. I sent the better part of thursday, friday and saturday hanging out with friends. Sunday i spent setting up for a party my mom held for the people at her work. Then Finally i was able to spend the rest of my weekend working on my final english project. All in all, my weekend was ok.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rough Draft

Brian Hensley
Period 1
Mr. Saxon
English Final Assessment
Animal Farm

Though we cover much information on books we read in class, we never really seem to have enough time to cover everything. In Animal farm by George Orwell there are many topics they we were not able to cover. Animal farm Is a book about a group of animals that revolt against their owners too try and make a better life for themselves on the farm. Eventually they realize that grass is not always greener on the other side. There are many morals and symbolisms in the book. Though we as a class took a great amount of information from animal farm, there is still much more that can be learned within its pages.

The first Moral that our class did not cover is probably the most noticeable of every point Orwell tries to make. This is that Power corrupts those who do not know how to use it. In my first source, there is a writer named Ji Seon who said, ““George Orwell also wants to convey that the person who misuses the power given to him cannot stay in power long.”( Ji Seon, question 6) This writer is simply saying that people who are given power, but are uneducated as to how they are supposed to use it, will not have that power for very long. This is because they will misuse it, and will eventually we have to face the what ever it is they have power over. A leader who misleads his/her people cannot stay on top if they don’t know how. Napoleon is a perfect example. When he took power he did not know how to use it. He let tried to help the animals with things like animalism and they windmill, but he did not realize that he was just making things worse. Eventually he took on too much power and became corrupted. His actions enraged the animals on the farm and the other farms as well, leading too his downfall. All this controversy emerged simply because Napoleon did not know how to control the power given to him. This proves Orwell wanted his readers to learn that power will corrupt, and eventually lead to the downfall of those who do not know how to use it.

The second moral that was not a big discussion in class was also very noticeable. This is the fact that it is impossible to have a perfectly fair system for people to live by. In the same blog that Ji Seon writes, there is another writer who said, “I think George Orwell’s message to us all is that it’s impossible to have a total equal, fair system.” (Maahika Srinivasan, question 6) This writer is clearly stating how people cannot live together when they all have the same things. This is because of greed. Greed lives inside everyone. Greed lives comfortably inside the pigs on animal farm. The pigs had more power than the other animals, and so it was easy to quench their thirst for more. One specific example would be the milk and the apples. The pigs said the milk and apples would be for everyone, but then they became greedy and took it for themselves. It was not long before the pigs were not equals with the other animals on the farm, simply because they did not want to be. Greed leads to inequality, inequality leads to controversy, and controversy leads to downfall.

There is obviously a vast amount of symbolism within Animal Farm; however I learned, in my research, that the biggest symbol of all is the book itself. The entire story symbolizes the Russian revolution. Just about every single character and event symbolizes a character or event the contributed to the Russian revolution. One specific example is Animalism. Animalism symbolizes communism. They are both a system of government in which everyone receives the same things in life. Another example is How Napoleon symbolizes Joseph Stalin. Napoleon followed the idea of animalism and was not good at connecting with the animals. Stalin followed communism and could not connect with the people of Russia. Napoleon had to use squealer, who is incredibly good at public speaking, to manipulate the minds of the other animals. Stalin had to use Russian propaganda to “convince” the people that he was doing well for Russia. These examples, along with many more, show that Orwell wrote his book to symbolize the Russian revolution.

In my first source there were many great examples symbolism and morals in animal farm that people pointed out. However, one person believed that “the moral of the story is to stick together, and work together as a team.” (Genna Snider, question 6), but I disagree. There is no way George Orwell wanted people to take the power of teamwork out of his story. Sure the animals worked together as a team, and the team effort worked well for a while; however, in the end the team crumbled. Greed took over and led the farm to disaster. Anything in the book that was accomplished by a team effort either backfired or was crushed by corrupted leaders.( not literally) One specific example would be the team of napoleon and snowball. The two of them formed a great team, but the team did not last, Eventually napoleon became corrupted and drove snowball off the farm. Though there were many Morals Orwell tried to project in Animal farm, the power of teamwork was not one of them.
There were many things George Orwell wanted us readers to take from Animal Farm that we simply did not have enough time in class to discuss. Whether It was a moral like power corrupts those don’t know how to use it, or symbolic reference to the Russian Revolution. By now it should be clear that there is still much more to be learned from Animal farm. The topics in this paper are just a fraction of what can be taken from this book. When given the opportunity to learn, be sure to learn as much as you can.


Final Assessment/ Research Paper Outline
Use this outline to prepare your thoughts and ideas for your paper. Once you finish, cut and paste it over to your blog. This paper will be between 3-5 pages, so make sure you have enough to discuss. There are spaces for 4 body paragraphs; if you don’t need that many, then ignore them.

Your favorite Text (2)
What is the question you are answering in your own words?
Is there more that can be learned from Animal Farm

What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction.

Though we as a class took a great amount of information from animal farm, there is still much that can be learned within its pages.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The first moral we did not dicuss

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “George Orwell also wants to convey that ithe person who misuses the power given to him cannot stay in power long.” (Ji Seon)

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Napoleon was given a great amount of power, but it eventually took control of him because he did not know how to use it;

b. Mr. Jones was run of the farm because he treated the animals wrong.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The second moral we did not discuss

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “I think George Orwell’s message to us all is that its impossible to have a total equal, fair system.” (Maahika Srinivasan)

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Greed took over the Animals who had more power than the others, which in turn made created an amount of controversy to great for the farm to survive.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
One topic that I learned much about in my research is how animal farm symbolizes the Russian revolution
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. Napoleon symbolizes the Joseph Stalin

b. Squealer represents Russian Propaganda
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Napoleon let greed corrupt him and was not a great speaker.
b. Squealer was a great speaker and could easily manipulate the minds of the animals.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
One of the students from my first source believed that one of the morals in the story was the power of teamwork. Though this may be true, I do not believe it was one of the Morals

What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “The moral of the story is to stick together, and work together as a team.” (Genna Snider)

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. The Animals accomplished much when working together, but in the the end the “team” feel apart.

b. George Orwell focused mostly on how easy it is for greed to corrupt people. In the end he Made a great effort to show how Greed always exists within a team.

What should we now understand after reading your paper? Where idea(s) does your paper lead to?
a. People should now realize that there is much more to animal farm than what we discussed in class.

What should we now understand after reading your paper? Where idea(s) does your paper lead to?
a. People should now realize that there is much more to animal farm than what we discussed in class.

Cornell Notes 3

TITLE: Animal Farm- Comparison of characters to the Russian Revolution
AUTHOR: George J. Lamont

Main Idea #1: Napoleon Symbolizes Joseph Stalin

Summary: Napoleon the pig/ leader of the animals shared many of the same qualities as Joseph Stalin. They both followed Communism/ Animalism.

Main Idea #2: Squealer represents Russian Propaganda

Summary: Because Stalin was not a god speaker, he relied on Russian Propaganda crated by other people to Project his ideas into the minds of the people. Napoleon relied on squealer to corrupt the minds of the animals.

Main Idea #3: Snowball Symbolizes Leon Trotsky

Summary: Like Napoleon and Stalin, Snowball and Trotsky are very much alike. Trotsky was chased out of Russia by the KGB(secret police). Snowball was chased away by Napoleon’s dogs.

How will this source help you write your paper?
Though the Author does not write in paragraph form, making it impossible to get quotes, he does give perfect examples of characters that symbolize key contributors too the Russian revolution.

Cornell Notes 2

TITLE: Metaphors
AUTHOR: Mitzi Brunsdale

Main Idea #1: The alcohol in the book represents a corrupt Russian government

Summary: George Orwell links alcohol to “old Russia” which was based on corrupt government. Alcohol lead to the downfall of Mr. Jones and Napoleon.

Quote: “Orwell uses beer to represent the "Old" Russia. He first notes that the reason Jones lost control of the farm and began being cruel to the animals was because of alcohol. It symbolizes, more than anything, a corrupt government…” (Mitzi Brunsdale)

Main Idea #2: Animalism represents Communism

Summary: Animalism and communism are very much alike. They both revolve around the idea that all humans (Animals) are equal and should receive the same.

Main Idea #3: The Farmhouse represents the Kremlin.

Summary: The Farmhouse is where the animals created the idea of Animalism. The Kremlin is where Russian leaders adopted the idea of communism and forced it upon the people (animals).

Quote: “…the genuine concept of socialism, the farmhouse, where Napoleon and the pigs take over, symbolizes the Kremlin.” (Mitzi Brunsdale)

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source reveals many events/objects in the book that symbolize events/objects that were present in the Russian Revolution. These symbolisms will be my second topic for discussion in my paper.

Cornell Notes 1

TITLE: Animal Farm Online Discussion
AUTHOR: Jamgochian

Main Idea #1: The power of Team Work

Summary: All throughout the book Readers find the animals working together to get things done. Orwell wants readers to know how important it is for people to be able to work together.

Quote: “The moral of the story is to stick together, and work together as a team.” (Genna Snider)

Main Idea #2: Power corrupts those who don’t know how to use it.

Summary: Throughout the book Napoleon shows signs that does not know how to handle having power. Signs like having to manipulate the other animals or simply not treating them as equals.

Quote: “George Orwell also wants to convey that if the person who misuses the power given to him cannot stay in power long.” (Ji Seon)

Main Idea #3: It is impossible for everyone to equal

Summary: Throughout the book it is very clear that humans (nor animals) can live happily if they are all equal. People become greedy and Find themselves needing more than they have. They love having more than their neighbor.

Quote: “I think George Orwell’s message to us all is that its impossible to have a total equal, fair system.” (Maahika Srinivasan)

How will this source help you write your paper?
This source gives two great morals that Orwell tried to project into the minds of the readers. The second moral, however, i disagree with.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

English Final Bibliography

Works Cited 

Brunsdale, Mitzi. "Metaphors." Angelfire. 16 May 2008 .  

On this web page many interesting metaphors in animal farm are revealed. The author makes many ties from animal farm too the Russian revolution. 

Jamgochian. "Animal Farm Online Discussion." Edublogs. 2 Feb. 2007. 16 May 2008 .  

This is source is not exactly a website. It is a blog posted the teacher of a class that also read animal farm. The information I am using lies with the responses left by the students. 

Lamont, George J. "Animal Farm - Comparison of Characters to the Russian Revolution." Barney.Gonzaga. 16 Mar. 2008 .  

This is a very unique source. It makes Direct comparisons from the characters in animal farm too the key people/social classes in the russian revolution. 

Serafin, Steven. "Animal Farm." Encarta.Msn.Com. Hunter College. 15 May 2008 .  

The author of this article is very familiar with the symbolism in this book. He describes certain events in the book, and tells how they are tied to real life.